
  • Dr. Stanley Chung

    Carrying on from the past, passing on the torch, walking together with one heart.

    I am honored and grateful to become the Principal of St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan. Joining this big family and becoming a part of it fills me with pride and a humble yet excited heart as I take up the responsibility of education. Over the past 60 years, SFXS has thrived due to the dedication and efforts of the school supervisors, school managers , principals, teachers, alumni, and parents who have collectively contributed their time, energy, and hard work. Together, they have created a school that is rich in history and legends, nurturing many successful individuals in society.

    Throughout its history, SFXS has nurtured outstanding talents and remarkable alumni who have made significant contributions in various fields and positions, not only contributing to society but also actively giving back to their alma mater. It is my hope that every student at SFXS can look up to their seniors as role models, discover the highlights of their lives, unleash their unique potentials and talents, and become lifelong learners.

    I chose to pursue a career in education instead of becoming an engineer, pilot, psychologist, or social worker because I have received a calling from the Lord to make educating the next generation my lifelong mission. As the Principal, my goal is to lead the entire school to higher levels, improve academic performance, and increase students’ opportunities for university admission. However, as the Principal of SFXS, I have an even greater responsibility to ensure that students can embody the five core values of the Marist Brothers during their six years on campus. These values are:

    • Presence: Teachers, principals, and even support staff are present with the students, walking with them, sharing their joys and sorrows.
    • Family Spirit: Students consider the school as their family, where everyone treats each other sincerely, without distinctions, protecting one another
    • Love of Work: Students approach their studies with enthusiasm and a proactive attitude.
    • Simplicity: Students face life with a simple and humble attitude.
    • In the Way of Mary: Students emulate the virtues of the Virgin Mary in their behaviors.

    The “Spirit of St. Francis Xavier" is a powerful force that connects everyone, and the “SFXS Spirit” is an important factor that fosters a strong bond between alumni and their alma mater. This spirit encompasses the shared memories between teachers and students, as well as among classmates, filled with deep brotherhood.

    I have a mission, which is to carry on the spirit of St. Francis Xavier, the SFXS Spirit, the idea of giving back to the alma mater, and contributing to society. Moreover, I aim to build upon the past and lay a foundation for the future. In the next 60 years, we strive to reach new heights, fostering excellence, innovation, and a greater impact. We will exert even greater influence and make a larger impact than before, creating a new milestone for SFXS.

    The new chapter and new milestone are filled with infinite possibilities for everyone to demonstrate their talents, strive, and innovate. Our goal is to take SFXS to new heights. With a humble heart, I will work hand in hand with everyone, united in purpose, to carry forward the excellent traditions and spirit of SFXS, harnessing the cohesive strength of the SFXS family, and together, we will build the school. I look forward to witnessing a picture where the SFXS family stands in greater unity, becoming a stronger, more outstanding, and more remarkable school.