SFXS Timeline

19639th  Sept.

Due to the delay of the construction schedule, five classes of F.1's began their lessons in borrowed premises of Tak Ching Primary School at Tai Wo Hau in the afternoon, supervised by Rev. Bro. Bosco Wei. It is a school subsidized by the Government.


Eleven classes with an enrolment of 440 students moved into the present campus 
building at 
Ham Tin Street, Tsuen Wan.

25th Nov.

The School was officially opened by His Excellency Sir David C.C. Trench,
Governor of 
Hong Kong (前港督戴麟趾爵士)
graced by the presence of the Honorable Dir. of Education, Mr. W.D.Gregg,
education officers, many civil and religious dignitaries and friends.

19672nd  Jan.The 150th Anniversary of the Marist Brothers was celebrated with a Holy Mass.
15th FebThe first issue of the school bulletin, Pathfinder (探驪) was published and delivered.
MayThe Senior students sat for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (English)
for the first time and the results were excellent and brilliant!
5th JuneThe Alumni Association was established.
17th JuneThe first Open Day of the School was held. It lasted for two days. 
Raffle Tickets were sold to raise funds for the equipment of the Hall and Laboratories.
1968DecA Mandarin Class was organized.
1969AprilWe began to participate in Hong Kong Chinese University Matriculation Examination.
Aug.A First work camp was held at Tai O to build a road for the convenience of the villagers.
3rd Dec.The first Athletic Meet took place.
6th DecThe second Open Day proved very successful, 
hundreds of parents came and showed their interest in our work.
1970AprilWe began to take part in the Matriculation Examination of the University of Hong Kong.
17th Nov.For the first time the School Boys gave blood to Red Cross Blood Bank, 
which has now become a tradition.
21st Dec.The second Athletic Meet of the School took place in the new stadium at Yeung Uk Road.
22ndDec.A Stevenson's Screen was put on the top of the Hall 
and a weather chart was equipped near the entrance.
197120th Feb.A Walk for the Community Chest was organized by the School, 
350 students and 7 teachers joined in the 10miles's walk. 
$14,736.25 was collected and presented to the Community Chest.
21st Sept.Teachers and students were divided into 5 houses: 
Saint, Francis, Xavier, Middle, School houses
to facilitate the running of the Inter-house Competitions.
1st Dec.200 students joined in the Hong Kong Festival ‘’Inter School Gala’’, 
organized by the District Office and Kai Fong Associations of Tsuen Wan.
197222nd Aug.The first Principal Rev. Bro. Bosco left the School for a philosophical Course in Rome 
and Rev. Bro. Vincent took over the reins as the Second Principal.
6th Sept.A new cycle system was introduced--- no school on Saturday.
Evening School started with 2 classes of F.1’s and one class of F.2.
1973 The First School Album was published for the 10th Anniversary.
30th AprilThe first Swimming Gala took place at Morse Park. 
The regular Athletic Meet --- with the finals timed by Omega Time Keepers 
proved a great event.
1974 SFXSTW offered places to girls (only at F.6) for the First time.
6th JuneAthletic Meet in honour of Blessed Father Champagnat.
SeptThe names of A-Form, B-Form, C-Form and D-Form were introduced as
the calling of four houses.
30th Sept.Rev. Bro. Joseph Chang became the Third Principal.
1975 The First group of Prefects'Board was formed with 12 outstanding students.
Sept.The naming of the four houses were changed to 
‘忠’ (Loyalty),’誠’ (Honesty), ‘博’ (Universality) and ’愛’ (Love).
20th Oct.Music was broadcast in the Hall at lunch time 
and this service has been carried out up to now.
Nov.A changing room was built to facilitate P.E. lessons.
1976AprilThe Catholic Students Association was established.
17th MayThe First Book Exhibition was held, it gained ardent support from the fellow students.
Nov.The First Joint Schools Athletic Meet between 
Saint Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan and Saint Francis Xavier's College, Kowloon 
was launched in Tsuen Wan Stadium
1977  3rd AprilThe First Inter-house Bridge Competition took place.
31st MayA Mathematics Exhibition was launched in our Hall 
as a pre-exhibition of the First Joint Schools Mathematics Exhibition.
21st Sept.The First Internal Talent Quest (Singing Contest) was launched in our Hall.
1978  The Second School Album was published for the 15th Anniversary.
SeptThe F.6 and F.7 classes stopped accepting matriculations of girls 
as Pope Paul VI College had launched its own Advanced-Level classes.
198516th Sept.It was reported that a bomb had been hided at the campus. 
All students and staffs had to evacuate. 
After a full-scale searching and investigation by many police officers, the frightening incident was proved to be a false alarm.
1986 There was Gas Leakage at the Science Laboratory of SFXS.
1987 The First Students' Association was founded for the students' well-being.
1992 The evening school was stopped.
1996 The First Overseas Exchanged student, Magnus Davidsen (Norwegian) 
matriculated with distinction at SFXSTW.

Rev. Bro. Joseph Chang retired.

Mr. Yeun Chi Wing assumed office of the 4th principal of the SFXSTW.

The campus was equipped with air-conditioning system.

1999Nov.An Open Day was launched for raising funds.
2000Nov.Broadband Internet System was introduced.
20011st Dec.A Farewell Dinner for the Hall(送別禮堂盆菜宴) was launched 
as the existing School Hall was going to be removed in order to build a New Wing.
2002 The reconstruction of the old Hall started.
2003 St. Francis Xavier's School, T.W.
The 40th Anniversary
2004 The new wing of the School Building was completed. The “Campus Improvement Fund” was established for the purchase of furniture and apparatus for the new wing.
2006 A Scholarship was established to reward students with outstanding performances in the subject examinations held by the SFXSTW.
2008 - Mr. Chong Man Ho commenced in September as the 5th Principal of the SFXSTW.
- A Walkathon was held to raise funds for the addition of four new classrooms in the new wing to be equipped for the New Secondary Academic Structure.
- A Scholarship was established to credit students with outstanding performances in the public examinations, HKCE & HKAL.
2010 To promote reading and learning, the old library was re-located and renovated. It was moved from the 4/F to the 1/F. The old 4/F library was converted to a Geography Room and the English Corner.
2011 - The new library on the 1/F opened. The new location allows students’ easy access to reading and learning.
- A concert with a theme song “真心不變聖芳濟” was organized by MSAA.
2013 St. Francis Xavier's School, T.W. The 50th Anniversary
20143rd Dec.50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass was officiated by the  Most Rev. Cardinal John Tong.
14th Dec.Two special open days were held for the Tsuen Wan  community to share in the 50th Anniversary of SFXSTW.
5th Jan.The “Thousand-People Run” was held.
19th Jul.The “Reunion Dinner” was organized by the Alumni Association of SFXSTW.